
Gut gegen Nordwind

Gut gegen Nordwind (2019)

Regia: Vanessa Jopp

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Valutazione: 6.5/10
Voto dell'utente: 8.6/10
(14 votes)


An incorrect letter and Emma Rothner's e-mail inadvertently ends up with Leo Leike, a linguist, instead of the intended recipient. Leo answers. An exchange takes its course, which becomes funny and more and more personal. Because they do not know each other, so they do not have to fear loss of face, they trust in each other intimate things. Emma and Leo make a digital friendship and want to leave it at that. But at some point there are butterflies in the bellies and every "pling" in the mailbox shames them up. Maybe they should meet after all? On the other hand, Emma is married to Bernhard and Leo is still hanging on his ex-girlfriend Marlene.

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Gut gegen Nordwind


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