
Crash Course

A Mother's Fight for Justice (2001)

drammatico | Stati Uniti, Canada

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Valutazione: 6.4/10


Based on the true story of one mother's quest for justice, this Lifetime Original Movie explores the extraordinary impact on an ordinary family when the oldest son is critically injured by a drunk driver. The movie begins with every mother's worst nightmare: Terry Stone and her husband, Geoff, answer an early-morning phone call and learn that their 19-year-old son, Andrew, has been in a car accident. When they arrive at the hospital, the distraught family members are told that Andrew has suffered severe head injuries, and that he may never fully recover. A highway patrol officer who witnessed the accident adds the chilling news that the driver who did this to Andrew was drunk. Months later, after Andrew has recovered and leaves the rehabilitation center, Terry begins her long and emotionally draining fight to make certain that the person responsible for this tragedy makes amends...


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