
Haunting Sarah

Haunting Sarah (2005)

thriller, drammatico, mistero | Stati Uniti

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Valutazione: 5.6/10
Voto dell'utente: 8.8/10
(4 voti)


Writer and college professor of mythology, Erica, and her pediatrician sister, Heather, are twins and have been closely connected since they were children. Erica's daughter, Sarah, and Heather's son, David, are close as siblings. However, when David is hit by a car and dies in a silly accident, Sarah has premonitions and claims that she still talks and plays with her cousin. Meanwhile, Erica finds that she is pregnant and needs to rest, and Heather is informed that she cannot have any more children. Erica travels to a cottage by a lake and is told by her maid, Rosie, that the spirit of David does not realize that he died abruptly - and is waiting for the chance to be reborn. Erica does not believe her so sends Rosie back home, staying in the house with Sarah and Heather, but when the spirit of David is aggressive with Sarah, Erica calls Rosie back to help.

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Haunting Sarah


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