
Nell'ombra di un delitto

Exposed (2016)

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Valutazione: 4.3/10
Voto dell'utente: 6.5/10
(8 votes)


Detective Galban (Keanu Reeves) finds his partner and close friend, Detective Cullen, murdered in a subway. On the hunt for the killer(s), Galban begins to suspect his partner may have been heavily involved in drug dealing and police corruption. As Galban investigates, people who knew Cullen are conveniently found dead. The closer Galban gets to the truth, both Cullen's wife, Janine (Mira Sorvino), and his lieutenant (Christopher McDonald) try to persuade him to back off, fearing his findings may discredit Cullen and expose corruption within the police department. Galban's only remaining lead is Isabel, a young, devout, Latina girl who resides with her in-laws. Galban fears her life could be in jeopardy should he get too close to her. However, Isabel has recently experienced something not from this world, something mystical that she believes is truly a miracle. Not unlike Galban, Isabel is dealing with her own demons from the past, a past that just may lead them to the truth; in turn,...

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Nell'ombra di un delittoNell'ombra di un delitto


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