
Il prezzo di Hollywood

Swimming With Sharks (1994)

commedia, giallo | Stati Uniti
Regia: George Huang

Valutazione: 7.0/10
Voto dell'utente: 7/10
(11 votes)


While not in the same class as The Player, this savage Tinseltown satire from director George Huang is often hilarious in between its bouts of numbingly bleak cynicism. Unfolding its story in a series of flashbacks, it features Frank Whaley as the hapless assistant of heartless Hollywood mogul Kevin Spacey, who enjoys exercising his power right down to the brand of sweetener he wants in his coffee. Spacey's dazzling portrayal of the acid-tongued executive is the most memorable facet of this tar-black comedy, which is heavy on industry in-jokes and vicious put-downs.

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Il prezzo di Hollywood


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