
The Christmas Ornament

The Christmas Ornament (2013)

sentimentale | Stati Uniti
Regia: Mark Jean

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Valutazione: 6.9/10
Voto dell'utente: 8.4/10
(8 votes)


Newly widowed Kathy plans to skip out on decking the halls and trimming the tree this Christmas, trying to avoid anything that will bring back memories of her late husband. The only Christmas tradition she will observe is baking cookies for her friends, a passion since she was a child. When Kathy meets handsome Christmas tree shop owner Tim, their undeniable chemistry - along with an ornament Tim gives her that symbolizes hope-helps Kathy open up to the joys of the season again. With the support of her best friend Jenna, and the budding relationship with Tim, Kathy begins to embrace the hopeful message of the ornament. Although Kathy wants to take a chance on Tim, she struggles to find the balance between preserving the memory of her husband and moving on with her own future. Is the Christmas ornament a sign that she can have a hopeful future?


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