
Perfect Love

Parfait amour! (1996)

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Valutazione: 6.3/10


Anatomy of a murder. Christophe has murdered Frédérique, his lover. He's in his 20s, an entrepreneur who likes to pick up chicks with his misogynist friend Philippe; she's in her 30s, a doctor twice divorced with two children. After a police reenactment of the crime and an interview with her teen daughter, we go back to the start of their affair and follow it to its conclusion. Frédérique is attracted to Christophe's sweet side; she's emotional about her past and ambivalent about her sexuality. His sexuality later becomes an issue, as does his relationship with Philippe. Are the lovers drowning each other in attraction, expectation, and revulsion? Why does Christophe kill?

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Perfect Love


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