
Skin in Flames

La piel en llamas (2022)

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Valutazione: 5.4/10
Voto dell'utente: 9/10
(2 voti)


Twenty years after taking the snapshot that earned him international fame, war photojournalist Frederick Salomon returns to the country where the picture was taken. However, a local journalist, Hanna, is out to kill him for a reason only Salomon knows.
Based on the internationally renowned play of the same name, this adaptation of Skin in Flames, set in an undefined African country, reveals the hidden face of armed conflict and ponders the ambivalence of developed nations' interventions in countries at war. Frederick Salomon, a war photojournalist who became worldwide famous for capturing the image of a girl flying through the air as consequence of an explosion, returns to the country where he took the celebrated picture twenty years before. He is back to receive an award, as many consider him an essential piece in the recent peace efforts in the troubled country. But a local journalist, Hanna, doesn't agree, and wants to kill him for a reason only Salomon knows.

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Skin in Flames


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