Valutazione: 3.7/10
Voto dell'utente: 6.5/10
(4 voti)


William ha una moglie e una figlia che ama, finche' una gang di criminali gliele uccide entrambe. Questo inneschera' la sua vendetta e una spirale interminabile di omicidi.

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Recensione di hymie
mercoledì 28 settembre 2022 14:41
We all know that Bruce Willis retired from acting soon after making this film. It’s also one of his better films of the last ten years or so. He stars alongside Clive Standen, Theo Rossi, Mike Tyson and Thomas Jane.

It’s generic stuff and doesn’t bring anything new to the revenge genre but the cast give their all and Theo Rossi lights up the screen as the unhinged Rory Fetter. He is almost Joker-esque in the way he laughs all the time but it’s out of sheer malevolence where he feels no... (di più)
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