
The Breitner Commando

Qu'un sang impur... (2019)

drammatico, guerra | Francia

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Valutazione: 5.9/10
Voto dell'utente: 9/10
(3 voti)


While he is only the shadow of the warrior he was in Indochina, Colonel Paul Andreas Breitner is forced to cross a Algeria at war, in search of his former senior officer: Colonel Simon Delignières, missing in the Aurès Nemencha, a real powder keg in the hands of the rebels.

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The Breitner CommandoThe Breitner CommandoThe Breitner CommandoThe Breitner CommandoThe Breitner CommandoThe Breitner CommandoThe Breitner CommandoThe Breitner Commando


Nessun recensioni
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