
So You Think You Can Dance: Top 6

So You Think You Can Dance (2006)

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EPISODE: 20 - Top 6


This week, Cat introduced us to Nigel Lithgoe, Mary Murphy and Mia Michaels as our judges. Then, the dance performances started. Ivan and Natalie performed a jive routine, Travis performed a solo, Benji and Donyelle danced broadway, Natalie danced her solo, Travis and Heidi danced a smooth waltz, Ivan performed his solo, Benji and Donyelle performed again to a hip-hop routine, Heidi performed her solo, Ivan and Natalie performed their contemporary dance, Benji danced his solo, Travis and Heidi danced again to a pop routine, and Donyelle performed her solo. Afterwards, voting was opened up to the audience.


So You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can DanceSo You Think You Can Dance


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