Rating: 7.1/10
User rating: 10/10


In 1971, to get breathing room from tax and management problems, the Stones go to France. Jimmy Miller parks a recording truck next to Keith Richards and Anita Pallenberg's Blue Coast villa, and by June the band is in the basement a few days at a time. Upstairs, heroin, bourbon, and visitors are everywhere. The Stones, other musicians and crew, Pallenberg, and photographer Dominique Tarle, plus old clips and photos and contemporary footage, provide commentary on the album's haphazard construction. By September, the villa is empty; Richards and Jagger complete production in LA. "Exile on Main Street" is released to mediocre reviews that soon give way to lionization.


The Rolling Stones: Stones in ExileThe Rolling Stones: Stones in ExileThe Rolling Stones: Stones in ExileThe Rolling Stones: Stones in ExileThe Rolling Stones: Stones in Exile


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