Értékelés: 4.7/10
Felhasználói értékelés: 10/10

Az epizódok száma: 13

Tartalom ismertető:

Kevin, Joe and Nick—and their security chief, Big Man—are fresh off their world concert tour and ready for a summer vacation in a rental house high atop the Hollywood Hills. As they begin their left coast adventure, Stella and Macy join them and wind up sharing a nearby guesthouse with Stella's aunt Lisa. Despite months of anticipation, Joe and Stella encounter detours on the road to "Joella." Joe lands a role in free-spirited actress Vanessa Page's new movie, and their mercurial working relationship quickly spurs rumors of "Jonessa." While on the movie set, Kevin gets his long sought chance to learn film directing, and manages to steer around the abrasive manner of his mentor, famed director Mona Klein. Meanwhile, Nick writes new songs for the band and is pleasantly surprised by his growing friendship with Macy, which makes him want to prove he's more than just a world famous rock star.

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