
Was Sie schon immer über Singles wissen wollten

Was Sie schon immer über Singles wissen wollten (2005)

vígjáték | Németország
Rendező: Oliver Schmitz

Értékelés: 4.9/10


Tina Lenz is really sorry for the many single women she meets every day in Berlin. In the restaurant get the worst table, at home not to cuddle and Klönen have - luckily she has her friend Holger, with whom she has been living together for eight years in marriage-like togetherness. That Holger prefers cringing behind his computer, instead of dealing with Tina, takes the young woman into account - the main thing is she is not a single. When Tina's boss is looking for someone to take care of a project about singles, she spontaneously claims to be single. With this confession, Tina comes out as an afflicted with insider knowledge and thus receives the order to produce a documentary about singles. As a photographer she is a young man, whom she once met fleetingly in the subway, set aside. Tom and Tina get along quite well from the start, but Tom's attitude to relationships can not be shared by Tina. Again and again, the photographer emphasizes how liberating he finds himself to be unbound, while Tina keeps raving about how great it is to live with Holger. But one day Tina gets her partner in intensive chatting on the Internet. For the young woman, a world collapses. But Holger does not even seem to feel guilty, and when Tina gives him an ultimatum, her boyfriend - or rather an ex-boyfriend - just moves out. Completely surprising and unintentionally, Tina has become the so pitiful genus "single". When Tom learns of the breakup, he congratulates Tina on her new status.


Was Sie schon immer über Singles wissen wolltenWas Sie schon immer über Singles wissen wolltenWas Sie schon immer über Singles wissen wolltenWas Sie schon immer über Singles wissen wolltenWas Sie schon immer über Singles wissen wolltenWas Sie schon immer über Singles wissen wolltenWas Sie schon immer über Singles wissen wollten


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