
Step Up: Year of the Dance

Step Up China (2019)

zene, dráma | Kína, Egyesült Államok
Rendező: Ron Yuan

További vetítések
A műsor nem elérhető az országban
Értékelés: 6.5/10
Felhasználói értékelés: 4.5/10
(2 szavazatokat)


After a spectacular win of Vegas. In this last chapter of the franchise the LMNTrix crew are back to show what they have after all these years of trying of making it to Hollywood. Sean once again needs Moose in the last shot of making a successful show that will lead them to a career that the whole crew been waiting for, and this time their opponent is the show.


Step Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the DanceStep Up: Year of the Dance


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