
The Sweetest Christmas

The Sweetest Christmas (2017)

romantikus, vígjáték, dráma | Egyesült Államok
Rendező: Terry Ingram

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A műsor nem elérhető az országban
Értékelés: 6.4/10
Felhasználói értékelés: 8.8/10
(9 votes)


"When struggling pastry chef Kylie Watson learns she's made it to the finals of the American Gingerbread Competition, she thinks her competitive spirit has finally paid off and hopes the publicity will help her jumpstart her new café. There's just one problem - the oven she's supposed to use breaks down right before the contest. Determined to enter, she reaches out to Nick Mazannti, her old boyfriend from culinary school who gave up his dream of being a pastry chef to take over his family's pizzeria. Nick allows her to use his industrial pizza oven at night to craft her ambitious gingerbread confections. As the two reminisce about the dreams of their youth, their romance is rekindled. But just as Kylie is on the cusp of taking the grand prize - and embracing true love - things get complicated when her ex-boyfriend takes drastic steps to win her back. Kylie realizes she must embrace the Christmas Spirit or risk losing both the contest and her new love."


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