

The Legend Of Lucy Keyes (2006)

dráma, horror, thriller, misztikus | Egyesült Államok
Rendező: John Stimpson

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Értékelés: 4.7/10
Felhasználói értékelés: 9/10
(2 szavazatokat)


Guy Cooley moves to an old farm in Princeton with his wife Jeanne Cooley and their two daughters, Molly and Lucy, to build eight windmills to generate clean power to the city. He was hired by the local Samantha Porter, who owns with her relative Jonas Dodd the lands in the woods where the facility will be built. The Cooley family has a cold reception in town, and while voting for the approval of the project, the old woman Gretchen Caswell votes against the construction with many followers and mentions the historic importance of the spot and the name of Martha. Jeanne researches and discloses that two hundred and fifty years ago, a girl called Lucy Keyes got lost in the woods and in spite of the efforts of her mother Martha Keyes and the locals, she was never found. When the ghost of Martha comes to the fields around their property calling for Lucy, Jeanne realizes that the legend is true and that there are many hidden secrets in that location.


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