
Halottasház - A holtak feltámadnak

Mortuary (2005)

horror, misztikus, thriller | Egyesült Államok
Rendező: Tobe Hooper

További vetítések
A műsor nem elérhető az országban
Értékelés: 4.2/10
Felhasználói értékelés: 4.7/10
(3 szavazatokat)


The widow Leslie Doyle has just lost her husband and moves with her teenage son Jonathan and her young daughter Jamie to a mortuary in a small town in California that she has bought with the intention of starting a new business, practicing her knowledge as mortician. When they arrive, Leslie realizes that she was lured by the former owner, Elliot, and that the decrepit Fowler Brothers Funeral Home was completely abandoned and with problem with the septic sewer. While Leslie tries to improve and clean the place and start embalming corpses, Jonathan is informed about the legend of Bobby Fowler, the deformed son of the Fowlers. Meanwhile a weird substance attacks people, transforming them in zombies.


Halottasház - A holtak feltámadnak


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