
Death of a Mars Rover

Death of a Mars Rover (2011)

dokumentum | Egyesült Államok
Rendező: Mark Davis

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Értékelés: 7.4/10


One of two Martian rovers, Spirit, may be in its final days. Sent to Mars on a 90-day mission, over five years later, the rovers Spirit and Opportunity were still exploring, scaling mountains and crater walls and defying all expectations of how long they would last. NASA researchers may now know the answer to that crucial question for one of the robot explorers. Spirit is bogged down in the Martian sands. All imaginative but desperate attempts to free her have failed. Spirit may be doomed. Unable to move into position to recharge her solar batteries for the sun-starved winter on Mars, Spirit could slip into hibernation and lack the energy to awake. The engineers still have a few tricks to try but theyre running out of time. NASAs not sure Spirit can be saved.

JáTéKIDő: 45 perc


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