
A költő

The Poet (2007)

dráma | Kanada
Rendező: Damian Lee

További vetítések
A műsor nem elérhető az országban
Értékelés: 5.0/10
Felhasználói értékelés: 2/10
(3 szavazatokat)


1939. During a blinding snowstorm, a young man in the Polish forest rescues a young unconscious woman who lost her way, he who takes her back to his farmhouse. It is love at first sight for both. That love does not change when the two learn of the other. He is Oskar Koenig, a Nazi officer assigned to an undercover unit, the men in the unit acting as Polish farmers to discover and turn in any Polish resistant fighters. She is Rachel, a Jew, the daughter of a rabbi, and fiancée to her childhood friend Bernard. She thought she loved Bernard until she experienced what she knows is true love for Oskar. Oskar is only fighting in the war to please his father, Nazi General Martin Koenig. In reality, Oskar, a poet with a romantic spirit to match, does not believe in war or fighting, and does not believe in what the Nazis, and thus by association what he and his father are doing. Due to circumstances of the war, Oskar and Rachel become separated, with their love for each other still in tact. ...


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