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The Devil's Arithmetic (1999)

dráma, fantasy, háború, thriller, misztikus | Egyesült Államok
Rendező: Donna Deitch

További vetítések
A moziban től 2005. 10. 07.
Értékelés: 6.3/10
Felhasználói értékelés: 8/10
(2 szavazatokat)


This is another telling of the holocaust, but this time from the perspective of a modern teenage girl who only grudgingly accepts the Jewish traditions, but when she is asked to "open the front door" as part of the Seder feast finds herself, not unlike Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz, to have entered the 1940's and has stepped into the life of a prisoner in one of the German death camps where she experiences all of its horrors firsthand.


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