
Geschichte der Kindheit

Geschichte der Kindheit (2022)

dokumentum | Németország, Ausztria, Franciaország

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Childhood is the time when we grow – and learn – the most. Up until puberty, the body and mind develop the strongest. It's time for discovery. As children we move through the world with wide eyes. But what is childhood actually – and what did it look like in human history? Who worked, who played and who learned? And has childhood always been similar to what is now known as childhood in the western world? The documentation tells of pedagogical measures in ancient Greece and of child abandonment in ancient Rome. From the first anti-authoritarian schools, as well as from children appointed bishops.

Scientists and experts provide amazing insights into the history of childhood and tell in a multifaceted way how the image of childhood has changed again and again. With the Enlightenment, for example, with Rousseau, the understanding of education and pedagogy changed fundamentally. Following the ideal, children should now develop freely for the first time and pursue their inclinations. They are no longer perceived as a mere object of the parents. Despite this theory, it is still child labor that robs many of their childhoods. It is only banned in Germany at the end of the 19th century. From then on, children in all social classes have the opportunity to develop. But of course this is not true in all parts of the world – until today.


Geschichte der KindheitGeschichte der Kindheit


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