
A gonosz mostoha

Evil Stepmom (2021)

Rendező: Michelle Ouellet

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A műsor nem elérhető az országban
Értékelés: 4.7/10


Twins Annabelle (Hannah Vandenbygaart) and Gabriella (Julia Lalonde) love playing soccer and are coached by their dad, Tim (Randy Thomas), who is a widower. Ready to see their dad start dating again, Annabelle sets up a dating profile for Tim. Gabriella isn't ready to see their dad move on but, with encouragement from Annabelle, reluctantly agrees to go along with her plan. When Bethany (Emily Clarke), a transfer student, joins the girls' soccer team, Annabelle realizes Bethany's mom, Caroline (Tara Spencer-Nairn), has matched with their dad on his dating profile. Excited, Annabelle immediately bonds with Bethany to ensure her dad and Caroline hit it off-and they do. But Gabriella is suspicious of Caroline and Bethany's intentions: Caroline quickly goes from dating Tim to getting engaged and pregnant, while Bethany drives a wedge between Annabelle and Gabriella, harassing Gabriella at every turn. Determined to prove Caroline and Bethany are up to no good, Gabriella learns Caroline is actually Bethany's older sister, and the pair have been taking advantage of wealthy single fathers for years. Now, Gabriella must convince Annabelle to help her remove the women from their lives before Caroline can become their evil stepmom.


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