
Jimmy Two-Shoes

Jimmy Two-Shoes (2009)

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A műsor nem elérhető az országban

éVAD: 1

RéSZ: 13


The series follows the adventures of 14-year-old Jimmy, a happy-go-lucky teen who makes it his mission to find fun everywhere he goes. This is a challenge because Jimmy lives in Miseryville, the unhappiest town around, run by the megalomaniacal Lucius Heinous the Seventh. Miseryville has one main industry: Misery Inc., purveyors of putrid products guaranteed to cause grief; and they do not come with a money back guarantee. Along with his best friends Heloise (part-time genius, full-time soul-crusher who secretly adores him) and Beezy (adventure lover, couch potato, and Jimmy's definitive best friend), Jimmy is determined to surf past all obstacles and bring his infectious enthusiasm to the whole town.


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