
Pokoli éden: Exposé

Lost (2007)

kaland, dráma, fantasy, misztikus, sci-fi, thriller | Egyesült Államok
Rendező: Stephen Williams

Értékelés: 8.0/10

éVAD: 3

RéSZ: 14 - Exposé


Nikki comes to the beach where Sawyer and Hurley are playing ping-pong, stumbles, whispers some unintelligible words and apparently dies. Hurley doesn't understand Nikki's words: "Paulo lies..." and the group searches Paulo in the woods. They find him like Nikki and they believe the couple have been poisoned. Meanwhile, the past of the actress Nikki and the Brazilian chef Paulo in Sydney is disclosed, when they poisoned Nikki's lover and stole a fortune in diamonds, and detailing how they landed on the island and about them trying to retrieve the stolen diamonds with both attempting to betray each other showing their interactions with all the other characters, which were only glimpsed in previous episodes.


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