
Az éjszaka árnyai: By Duty Bound

In the Heat of the Night (1995)

krimi, dráma, misztikus, thriller | Egyesült Államok
Rendező: Harry Harris

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Értékelés: 8.0/10

éVAD: 8

RéSZ: 3 - By Duty Bound


Gillepsie's term as County Sheriff is coming to an end, and his enemies have found a local businessman, Kerry Madigan, who has high political aspiration, to run against him. They even attempt to enlist Forbes' support and the support of the local press in painting an unfavorable picture of Gillepsie. Meanwhile, the police suspect Frank Cole, one of Madigan's employees, of murdering a pregnant woman. When they request a warrant to test Cole's blood for a DNA match of the dead woman's baby, the judge, who respects Madigan and his employees, is unwilling to


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