
World Wild Web - Baby Animals

World Wild Web - Baby Animals (2012)

dokumentum | Egyesült Államok

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A műsor nem elérhető az országban

éVAD: 1

RéSZ: 5


Follow the zoo babies as they introduce us to their family, habitat, lifestyle and appetite, and watch as they discover unique characteristics about their own upbringing. Over 15 animals are featured including the elephant, giraffe, wildebeest, clouded leopard, serval cat and hippo. The babies are captured wrestling, eating, sleeping, climbing, swinging and scratching all in an effort to mature. Each animal has an adventure to share through playful narrative that incorporates both facts and fictional dialogue. What would an anteater have to say about his diet? How would a markhor goat teach his family to climb? In World Wild Web, viewers have a chance to find out.


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