
Bondi Rescue

Bondi Rescue (2018)

szórakozás | Ausztrália
Rendező: Michael Cordell

További vetítések
A műsor nem elérhető az országban

éVAD: 13

RéSZ: 2


Bondi beach, where Australian metropolis Sydney's people and countless tourists seek sand and water fun, needs a professional corps of life-guards performing numerous rescues and preventive actions every day. They are among the best-trained, strictest selected, most motivated and hard-working rescuers in the world. They also consider it the best possible job, enjoyed in humanitarian dedication and the Aussie spirit of chivalrous macho fun, competition, pranks, mateship-loyalty and unrelenting effort to help weaker or inexperienced people in need. They constantly train eager newcomers on the job.


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