

K3 (2015)

animáció, zene, sport | Franciaország
Rendező: Éric Cazes

További vetítések
A műsor nem elérhető az országban

éVAD: 1

RéSZ: 49


A French/Belgium animation series about Kim, Kate and Kylie who are three ordinary girls in an extraordinary world. Top teen pop stars on a glamorous global tour full of unexpected diversions that lead them to fun packed stories. Sweet and cheeky, bright and breezy, with their long suffering chauffeur at the wheel, K3 never know what's around the next bend in their road and just can't say no to an adventure. Will they save the orphanage from the property developers, expose the real jewel thieves, protect the shy lake monster from evil hunters AND get to their concert on time? Of course - K3 always triumph with a positive attitude and a catchy Eurobeat song.


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