
Csendes szörnyetegek

Monsters Inside Me (2009)

sci-fi | Egyesült Államok

További vetítések
A műsor nem elérhető az országban

éVAD: 8

RéSZ: 4


Stories of people who have contracted and survived rare and deadly diseases, infections, or parasites.
A parasitic or viral attack is like a roller coaster within the body that can take terrifying, and sometimes deadly, twists and turns. This series sees the victims and families recount being tormented by the insidious creatures that invaded their bodies, brought to life with dramatic re-enactments. Parasites have also been known to infest animals and begin to control their brain function-are humans next? Coming up in the series, a North Carolina couple experience a deluge of bizarre and terrifying symptoms - and the origin of their infections is startling. In Texas, a local councilman experiences strange cravings and baffling weight loss at the hands of a hidden enemy attacking his blood and organs, and in Maryland, a young boy endures extreme nerve pain and rashes across his body, taking him close to death. From fungal infections to leprosy, these gruesome cases prove how some of the most dangerous creatures are invisible to the human eye.


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