
My Kitchen Rules: Donna and Reade (SA)

My Kitchen Rules (2011)

reality | Ausztrália

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éVAD: 2

RéSZ: 4 - Donna and Reade (SA)


The Adelaide couple have been running their own business for the last 12 years and use cooking as a means of escape from their work. They love it so much they even knocked down a wall in their home to create a bigger kitchen.

"We love the whole experience; everything from the shopping to the preparation and the actual cooking," Reade says.

Reade, 46, actually wanted to be a chef when he finished school but a mix-up cost him his dream. "I did my work experience as a chef and absolutely loved it," he explains. "The skills I have now are the skills I learnt during that time. I really wanted an apprenticeship at this restaurant but when I turned up they'd already offered it to someone else because they didn’t know I was coming."


My Kitchen RulesMy Kitchen RulesMy Kitchen RulesMy Kitchen RulesMy Kitchen Rules


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