
Irány a túlsó part: Love Me or Leave Me

SeaChange (1998)

dráma, vígjáték | Ausztrália
Rendező: Deb Cox, Mandy Smith

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A műsor nem elérhető az országban

éVAD: 1

RéSZ: 11 - Love Me or Leave Me


Instead of the usual musical extravaganza, this year's Pearl Bay Thespians production is a play penned by Harold with Meredith at the helm. After years in the wings, Heather is cast as the leading lady opposite visiting professional and old flame, Barry Boston. Bob immediately presumes an affair is taking place. Unlike Bob, Laura is keen to maintain her dignity and calls upon the help of Dan to save her from the show. Apart from working overtime as Laura's bad acting coach, wounds from Diver's past are re-opened when he discovers a friend's violent domestic situation. While Harold's play pays tribute to the law, Dan and Laura come into conflict over the justice of the legal system


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