Megas XLR: Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Coop

Megas XLR (2004)

animáció, vígjáték | Egyesült Államok

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éVAD: 2

RéSZ: 3 - Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's Coop


Coop inadvertently frees the Glorft from no-space, allowing Gorrath to start his revenge. The only thing Coop is worried about, however, is babysitting cousin Skippy, who is easily bored and hates everything about Coop's house. In an effort to get him to shut up, Coop takes Skippy to the moon in Megas. (Incredibly, he is still bored.) There he discovers the Glorft is plotting to smash the moon into the Earth. Coop has to fight off the Glorft while making sure Skippy doesn't end up Glorft fodder.


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