éVAD: 1

RéSZ: 14 - Verspieltes Glück


The gambling addict Vitus Höllrigl and the rich hotelier Staffler get together on the racetrack. When Höllriegel was found stabbed to death in his wood carving workshop the next day, inspector Sonja Schwarz and her colleague Jonas suspected the businessman who runs the renowned "Staffler" with his daughter Gabriele and son-in-law Toni. The investigators learn from a witness that the heavily indebted Höllriegel obviously wanted to collect a much higher "debt" from his creditor. Sonja tries to find out more about Höllrigl's daughter Edith, who has broken with her father. The investigator is deeply touched by the pressing financial worries of the single parents whose son suffers from incurable muscular dystrophy. Meanwhile, the head of the detective department is distancing herself from her lover Riccardo, who, as an undercover agent, is preparing the final blow against the South Tyrolean mafia boss Lagagna. Sonja can no longer tolerate the fact that Riccardo crosses red lines in order to exploit the politician Maria Senoner.


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