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La strada di casa (2017)

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Fausto Morro is the owner/operator of a sumptuous agricultural estate in northern Italy. As a family man and an important employer, he is one of the most respected figures in his community. There is trouble beneath the surface, however. His wife and older children have come to resent his emotional distance and apparent need to control every aspect of their lives. Financial difficulties have driven him into an illegal livestock smuggling scheme with a local syndicate that is not afraid to use strong-arm tactics to keep Fausto in line. A government agricultural inspector is collecting evidence that could lead to his downfall and the loss of the estate. One night, Fausto leaves home on a mysterious errand, and has a road accident that results in a coma that lasts five years. Upon awakening, and after rehabilitation, Fausto returns home to discover that much has changed in his absence, most of it not to his liking. He also learns that the agricultural inspector disappeared the same night of the accident, and has not been heard from since.


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