
Agent Binky und das Pfoten-Superteam

Agent Binky: Pets of the Universe (2019)

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Binky is an indoor cat who is a member of a secret agency called PURST: Pets of the Universe Ready for Space Travel. Teamed with like-minded pet agents, they are on a mission to keep their humans and "space station" safe from "aliens".
Binky is a pear-shaped indoor cat who is a member of a secret agency called PURST: Pets of the Universe Ready for Space Travel. He looks like a normal house cat who lives in what appears to be a normal house on your normal street. But there's nothing normal about Binky. He is pretty out there, even for a cat. That normal house he lives in? It's a space station. Everything outside? It's outer space. Sure, it may look like a regular yard with trees and grass – but it is an unknown unexplored land in outer space to Binky and his crew. Teamed with a variety of like-minded pet agents, they are on a mission to keep their humans and space station (aka house) safe from aliens, (code name: ants, flies, grasshoppers and of course, vacuum cleaners).


Agent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-SuperteamAgent Binky und das Pfoten-Superteam


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