
Remarkable Places to Eat: Rome

Remarkable Places to Eat (2024)

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Benutzer-Bewertung: 9/10
(2 stimmen)


FOLGE: 3 - Rome


Fred discovers a plethora of hidden gastronomic gems in Rome, as Michelin-starred chef Giorgio Locatelli proves that real Roman food is waiting to be discovered if you look hard enough.


Remarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to EatRemarkable Places to Eat


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