In this sitcom, the suddenly risen film star Vince Chase, a 'jeune premier' of humble origins, learns the ropes of the business and the the high-profile world of the wealthy happy few in and around Hollywood, but not alone: he brings from his native New York his atypical 'entourage (hence the title), not glitterati or professionals but a close circle of friends since childhood, and his professional agent finds they often make his job harder as the Queens boys not only sponge on the star but also have his ear, so Vince is much harder to counsel. Vince chooses his friend from home Eric as his manager, and LA professional Ari Gold as his agent. Over the course of the Series, they progress from Brooklynites, to actors, to producers and chase the funding and support to try to make the perfect movie for Vincent.


EntourageEntourageSvita 01Svita 02Svita 04Svita 05Svita 06Svita 07Svita 08Svita 09Svita 10Svita 12Svita 13Svita 14Svita 15


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