Kirstie & Phil's Love It or List It

Kirstie & Phil's Love It or List It (2015)

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Property professionals Phil Spencer and Kirstie Allsopp help families who are fed up of their homes. Whether the homeowners have outgrown the space or they want a change of decor, their property no longer meets their requirements. Offering solutions on each home is Kirstie, who believes the owners can learn to "love it', whereas Phil thinks they should `list it' and make the most of a rising property market. After meeting each couple, the presenters find out all they can about the family involved, how they use their current home and what they would want from a new one. With a budget equal to the cost of moving, Kirstie and a team of property developers transform each house to make it loveable once again. Meanwhile, Phil seeks out properties in the owners" most desired locations.


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