Fact-based Second World War drama, charting the mission to track down and eliminate the pride of the German fleet, a fearsome battleship devastating British vessels in the North Atlantic, orchestrated by a British naval officer recovering from his wife's death in an air raid. Starring Kenneth More, Dana Wynter, Laurence Naismith and Karel Stepanek.
- Kenneth MoreCaptain Jonathan Shepard
- Dana WynterSecond Officer Anne Davis
- Carl MöhnerKapitän Ernst Lindemann
- Laurence NaismithFirst Sea Lord - Sir Dudley Pound - Admiral of the
- Geoffrey KeenAssistant Chief of Naval Staff
- Karel StepanekAdmiral Günther Lutjens
- Michael HordernAdmiral Jack Tovey - Commander in Chief - HMS King
- Maurice DenhamCommander Richards