A murder mystery drama based on a story by best- selling crime writer Val McDermid and with a stellar cast including Line of Duty's Martin Compston. This thriller series follows three women - Emma Hedges, Prof. Sarah Gordon and Prof. Kathy Torrance - who use forensic science to uncover the truth about an unsolved murder case. When 23-year-old Emma (Molly Windsor) returns to Scotland to take up a new position as a lab assistant at SIFA, she signs up to a MOOC - Massive Open Online Course - which teaches the principles of forensic science. But she soon discovers that the fictitious case study has a strikingly similar and shocking link to her past. As Emma's sleuthing takes her into darker corners and unpicks more and more secrets, it becomes clear that she should trust no-one. It will be Sarah (Laura Fraser) and Kathy's (Jennifer Spence) exacting minds that reward Emma's faith in the science that has fuelled her imagination and who will ultimately bring a killer to justice.