The Legacy is a modern family portrait. A description of the '68 generation and their children. A narrative about the sharp traces and consequences left by an...
Faced with the destruction of her town at the hands of a greedy mining company, rebellious high school teacher Sarah Cooper utilizes an obscure cartographical...
"Asi" tells the love story of Asiye 'Asi' Kozcuoglu and Demir Dogan, who after years of absence returns to his hometown Antakya. For three generations the...
Abby O'Brien Winters returns to Chesapeake Shores when she receives a panicked phone call from her younger sister Jess, who has renovated the charming Inn at...
The series follows the life of anti-social, pain killer addict, witty and arrogant medical doctor Gregory House with only half a muscle in his right leg. He and...
Based on the memoirs of Jennifer Worth; the story follows twenty-two year old Jenny, who in 1957 leaves her comfortable home to become a midwife in London's East...
Nadaljevanka je posneta po knjižnih uspešnicah norveškega pisca kriminalk Jørna Liera Horsta. William Wisting je detektiv z oddelka za umore, ki se znajde pred...
Troubled marine biologist Morten Solheim, who is fighting to save the world's oceans and environment from corrupt governments after recently being released from...
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