Follow the characters as they navigate the hilarity of high school in the hallowed halls of Monster High.
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Sljedeće epizode:
Monster High 1, ep. 2, Borba s hranom / Ukleti mozak
Monster High 1, ep. 12, Jezivi pidžama tulum / Sudar utvara
Monster High 2, ep. 2
Nova vještica u gradu / Ponovi to, Clawde
Monster High 2, ep. 4, Totalno kul / Meowlodyina zbrka
Monster High 1, ep. 14, Spell The Beans
Monster High 1, ep. 14, Spell The Beans
Monster High, Monster Movie
Monster High, Nightmare Nightmore: Part 1
Monster High 1, Nightmare Nightmore: Part 2
Monster High, Monster Movie
Monster High 1, Casketball Jinx
Monster High 1, ep. 14, Spell The Beans
Monster High 1, ep. 24
Čudni putevi slatkovodnih voda / Opaka moda
Monster High 1, ep. 6
Djelići šapo-slagalice 1. dio / Djelići šapo-slagalice 2. dio
Monster High, Die Monster-Besten-Liste
Monster High 1, ep. 3
Brutalni ponedjeljak / Portret čudovišta
Monster High 1, Paw-zzle Pieces Part 2
Monster High, Wo ist Señor Squeaky?
Monster High 1, Out of Step
Monster High 1, What's Up Watzie?
Monster High, Die Monster-Besten-Liste
Monster High, Wo ist Señor Squeaky?
Monster High, The Monster Way - Part 1
Monster High 1, The Monster Way: Part 2
Monster High 1, ep. 1, Čudovišno 1. dio / Čudovišno 2. dio
Monster High 1, ep. 1, Čudovišno 1. dio / Čudovišno 2. dio
Monster High 1, ep. 13, Monster Movie
Monster High 2, ep. 5, Skandal ukletog pješčanog dvorca
Monster High 2, ep. 6, Zubtastične uspomene / Duplo super
Monster High 1, Casketball Jinx
Monster High 1, Growing Ghoulia
Monster High 1, So Familiar
Monster High 1, Over Bro-tective
Monster High 1, Growing Ghoulia
Monster High, Monster Movie
Monster High 2, ep. 1, Vladaj školom
Monster High 1, Pyramid Scheme
Monster High, Vorsicht Monsterjäger
Monster High 1, ep. 4, Vještičja odluka / Dio čopora
Monster High, Twylas schlimmster Albtraum
Monster High, Nightmare Nightmore: Part 1
Monster High 1, Nightmare Nightmore: Part 2
Monster High, Vorsicht Monsterjäger
Monster High, Twylas schlimmster Albtraum
Monster High 1, Food Fight
Monster High 1, Unfinished Brain-ness
Monster High 1, Case of the Moon-Days
Monster High 1, Portrait of a Monster
Monster High 1, ep. 16, Cleo u kuhinji
Monster High 2, ep. 8
Kripta dadilja / Ljudi u srednjoj školi
Monster High 2, ep. 9, Dan panike / Frankie patrola
Monster High 1, Cleo in the Kitchen
Monster High 1, The Case of the Missing Squeak
Monster High, Pet Problems
Monster High, Flaunt Your Skeleton
Monster High 1, Cleo in the Kitchen
Monster High 1, The Case of the Missing Squeak
Monster High 1, Casketball Jinx
Monster High 1, ep. 4, Vještičja odluka / Dio čopora
Monster High 2, ep. 2
Nova vještica u gradu / Ponovi to, Clawde
Monster High 1, ep. 18, Krađa moći
Monster High 2, ep. 9, Dan panike / Frankie patrola
Monster High 2, ep. 12, Oh Rats
Monster High 1, License to Rock
Monster High 1, ep. 18, Krađa moći
Monster High 1, Power Heist: Part 2
Monster High 1, Creepover Party
Monster High 1, Creature Clash
Monster High, Pet Problems
Monster High 1, License to Rock
Monster High 1, ep. 5, Deuceov način / Vukodlački vikend
Monster High 2, ep. 3, Mumija u zrcalu
Monster High 1, ep. 19, Čudovišni ispiti
Monster High 2, ep. 13, The Shapeshiftian Candidate Part 1
Monster High 2, ep. 14, Codex Come Back
Monster High 1, ep. 19, Čudovišni ispiti
Monster High, Monster Midterms Part 2
Monster High, Furmergency!
Monster High 1, ep. 14, Spell The Beans
Monster High 1, ep. 14, Spell The Beans
Monster High 1, ep. 18, Krađa moći
Monster High 1, Power Heist: Part 2
Monster High 1, Growing Ghoulia
Monster High 2, ep. 2
Nova vještica u gradu / Ponovi to, Clawde
Monster High 1, ep. 5, Deuceov način / Vukodlački vikend
Monster High 1, ep. 20, Krznena kriza / Bugi noćna mora
Monster High 2, ep. 12, Oh Rats
Monster High 2, ep. 13, The Shapeshiftian Candidate Part 1
Monster High 1, ep. 19, Čudovišni ispiti
Monster High, Monster Midterms Part 2
Monster High 1, Cleo in the Kitchen
Monster High 2, ep. 4, Totalno kul / Meowlodyina zbrka
Monster High 1, ep. 6
Djelići šapo-slagalice 1. dio / Djelići šapo-slagalice 2. dio
Monster High 1, ep. 21
Najbolje prijateljice / Dan strašnih karijera
Monster High 2, ep. 14, Codex Come Back