Piers Morgan's Life Stories: The EastEnders actress talks about her life and career.

Piers Morgan's Life Stories (2009)

Биографија, Ток-шоу, Драма, Криминал, Семеен | Обединетото Кралство
Режисер: Paul Kirrage

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сезона: 11

епизода: 1 - Piers Morgan's Life Stories: June Brown


The EastEnders actress chats to Piers Morgan about her life and career. She reveals the challenges of juggling work with her home life, having given birth to six children in seven years, talks about her early life in the theatre, when she honed her skills under the aegis of Laurence Olivier and Alec Guinness, and discusses landing the role of Dot Cotton at the age of 58 - a part she has played for almost 30 years.


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