
Odvažni i lepi: #3297

The Bold and the Beautiful (2000)

Режисер: Michael Stich, Cynthia J. Popp

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сезона: 14

епизода: 35 - #3297


Brooke tells Thorne that he's living a lie, should end his marriage to Macy. Thorne tells her he feels responsible for Macy, Brooke tells him that she should be Eric and Ridge's responsibility after what they did. Kimberly grabs Macy, tells her about Thorne and Brooke in the steamroom. Macy tries make excuses for Thorne. Macy barges into Brooke's office, demands that she stay out of her marriage. Brooke loses it, tells Macy that Thorne is only staying married to her because she is weak. Clarke goes to Eric, they discuss Becky and C.J. Eric supports Clarke as he worries how Becky's cancer will affect C.J. In Santa Barbara, Becky's pain gets worse, C.J. says that they should get home right away. Becky makes a final wish in the well before leaving; that she and C.J. be happy forever. Amber tells Sally and Stephanie that she is having second thoughts about telling Becky the truth, they insist that she must be told. Amber prepares herself as there's a knock at the door.


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