

The Oath (2023)

Режисер: Jeff T. Thomas, Luis Prieto

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сезона: 3

епизода: 1


It all began when the surgeon Filippos Razis found a sick 12-year-old Roma girl outside the hospital. While operating on her, he realized she was missing one kidney. Eventually, the girl died, and no one searched for her.Filippos, searching to uncover who was behind the young Roma girl's death, discovered an organ trafficking ring. However, his attempt to lead the ring to prison made him a victim of a diabolical scheme that sent him to jail.Later, we followed Filippos Razis in prison, fighting for survival daily. The order was clear: to kill him. However, they didn't succeed. His integrity and medical knowledge saved him. The chief guard appointed him as the prison doctor, and he became a hero in everyone's eyes. One night, though, he was beaten nearly to death and taken to the hospital. His friends from prison helped him escape.Filippos Razis, now a fugitive, goes into hiding and, with the assistance of both old and new friends, prepares for his return. He gathers new evidence to retry the case and prove his innocence.Once again, he challenges the entire system to regain what he lost in his attempt to defeat it. Will he succeed? Filippos, a convict and fugitive, takes refuge in a farmhouse in the middle of nowhere. There he meets Sylvia Riga, a lawyer, who seems to want to help him get justice. Together they spend four years in solitary confinement until Filippos decides to go back and take his life into his own hands.




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