
Америчко искуство - Изумитељи
  • Нова (1974)

    Нова је ПБС-ов документарни серијал који се приказује скоро 40 година. У свакој епизоди пружа увид у разне теме из подручја знанствених истраживања. Нова често...
  • Frontline (1983)

    FRONTLINE is investigative journalism that questions, explains and changes our world and American television's top long-form news and current affairs series since...
  • History Secrets (2007)

    Series of feature-length documentaries about persons of interest throughout history, including many royals, both French and from other European countries.
  • The Dark Charisma of Adolf Hitler (2012)

    No one else so changed the state of the world and left behind such a wake of ruins as Adolf Hitler. Yet crucially, the way in which Hitler led the Nazi party has...
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