A rich and handsome architect is flying from Acapulco to Mexico City when his plane crashes. A beautiful, young girl finds him in the forest and decides to bring him home to look after him.

Беше на каналите:

3 Plus  

  • Emperatriz (2011)

    Далеко од свог дома, у сунчаном Лос Ангелесу, усамљена Емператриз Јурадо (Грабриела Спаниц) у очају тражи човјека свог живота, Арманду Мендозу (Омар Фиеро), како...
  • Росамунд Пилчер (1993)

    A series of television movies based on the works of Rosamunde Pilcher, a popular British writer of romance novels and short stories.
  • Utta Danella (2000)

  • In all Friendliness (1998)

    This show is focused on a fictional clinic in Leipzig called 'Sachsenklinik' as well as its staff and patients.
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