Авантуриста и филмски сниматељ Ричард Тери путује дубоко у срце амазонске прашуме да сазна истину иза алармантних извештаја о створењу са осам ногу које терорише удаљене заједнице које живе дубоко у џунгли.

Беше на каналите:

Nat Geo Wild  

  • Sports Adventure

    Some of the world’s wildest, most exotic and spectacular locations feature in this action-packed programme. Sports Adventure heads out with the bold and the...
  • Пројекат: Немогуќе (2017)

    Project Impossible is an original series that follows a new generation of epic engineering projects that were considered unthinkable just a few years ago. Each...
  • Чудата на соларниот систем (2010)

    In this spellbinding series Professor Brian Cox visits the most extreme locations on Earth to explain how the laws of physics carved natural wonders across the...
  • Природни рај - неприпитомљени планет (2021)

    Viewers can travel to the far corners of the planet and discover the secrets of Earth's few remaining untouched lands, all flourishing with rich biodiversity.
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