Rise-up and witness from above the incredible diversity and beauty of such natural heritage impacted by climate and shaped by man over time. This series takes viewers across the 10,000 km long European coastlines from Cape North all the way down to the Mediterranean costs and islands, including a visit to the English Channel, the Scottish and Irish shorelines. A unique opportunity to rise-up and witness from above the incredible diversity and beauty of such natural heritage impacted by climate and shaped by man over time. Shot in HD, this series presents a vast geographical and cultural panorama of Coastal Europe as a trace for future generation. What will these landscape look like in 20 or 50 years time? How will climate change affect them? Will some of these natural sites resist the urban growth and mass tourism? Shot in HD and also available on 50 x 6' short films and 15 x 52' full-length features.

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  • Светот на природата (1983)

    Награѓена серија која слави многа чуда природе са драматчним причама дивљег света широм земље. Позната документарна серија која је почела с приказивањем далеке...
  • Great Estates Scotland (2013)

    This four-part series takes an in-depth look at the workings of some of Scotland's most magnificent country estates through the eyes of the current owners, the...
  • Природни рај - неприпитомљени планет (2021)

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  • Неразјаснетите досиеја на НАСА (2012)

    Непознати летеќи објекти снимљени НАСА-иним камерама, пилоти који су властитим очима примјетили тајанствена свјетла, необичне сјене на Марсу - све су то феномени...
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